Anna Faroqhi and Haim Peretz
In an animated 2-channel video installation, Wilhelm Busch, the spiritual "father" of the comic strip, has only one dramatic goal; his peace and quiet. But rowdy comic characters, inspired by his works from a more than 100-year-long history of comic strips disturb, rescue, confuse and swarm around the Wilhelm Busch character and lead him into their anarchic world. There, they appear and disappear at will, sometimes even onomatopoeically with a saturated "plop".
The illustrator and poet Wilhelm Busch is regarded as the inventor of the modern picture story and thus of the comic strip. On the occasion of the exhibition "Wilhelm Busch - A real painter, clever and industrious, always carries a sharp pencil" at Schloss Britz, Berlin-Neukölln, Faroqhi and Peretz explored the reality of life in the 19th century and the oevre of Wilhelm Busch together with pupils from the Albert Einstein Grammar School and the Alfred Nobel School in an artistic project. The students immortalized their own comic heroes in drawings which re-appear in the video installation.
drawings by:
Anna Faroqhi
Marlen Marra – Fallschirmspringer
Veit Tykiel – Klippenspringer
Valentina Vinci – Peanuts-Szene
Irene Salimi-Asl – Käfer
Gemma Fiedler – Fliegende Heldin
Nathan Hecht - Tim und Struppi, Wonderwoman
(class 8f, Albert Einstein High School, teacher: Frau Sferlazza)
Leonardo Miletic – Dagobert Duck
Francesca Querqui – Fliegende Krankenschwester, Frau in Grün
Rocco Wendlandt – Superman gehend, Superman besorgt
Nathan Nehls – Fußballspieler
Said Muhammed Sahin – Mann mit Kind
Tecla Baudanza – Mickey Maus
Leone Querqui – Panzerknacker
Rafael Corain – Spiderman
(bilingual German-Italian class 7/8e, Alfred Nobel School Berlin, teacher: Frau Sferlazza)
Marizela Tahirovic – Verschleierte Heldin
Emine Apostolova – Blitze-Schleuderin, Tellerwerferin
Phithayada Panprasit – Asiatische Heldin, Winnie the Pooh
Zekreya Anwai Mir – Captain Ukraine
Havin Kaya – Wandelbarer Manga-Junge, Katzenjammer-Kapitän
(welcome class for newcomers and refugees, Alfred Nobel School Berlin, teacher: Frau Locanto)
Presented during exhibition "Wilhelm Busch - A real painter, clever and industrious, always carries a sharp pencil with him" at Schloss Britz, Berlin-Neukölln 28. 01. 2023 - 30. 04. 2023
Supported by the Cultural Education Project Fund of the Neukölln Department of Culture.
Original Title Plopp! Collaborators Frau Sferlazza, Frau Locanto et al Directors, idea, editing Anna Faroqhi, Haim Peretz Production Faroqhi Peretz Film Production Berlin Year of Production 2023 Format 2-channel installation, mute, data file, 2 x 1: 1,66 Length Loop, 7'35''