Lana's Story
Animated documentary
Lana, her husband Didar and their 2-year-old son Layad had to escape from Kurdish Iraq in 2015. The family’s mobile phone was stolen on their way through Europe to Germany. Students from the Berlin grammar school Konrad-Agahd-Schule as well as the filmmakers give back the stolen images in a drawn film.
Drawings Students at Konrad Agahd Grammar School Berlin and Anna Faroqhi Idea, Director Anna Faroqhi, Haim Peretz Editing Anna Faroqhi Production Faroqhi Peretz Filmproduktion, Berlin Year of Production 2017 Format digital file, 1:1,66 Length 12 min.
First Screening November 19th, 2018 Kino Arsenal, Berlin
Presentations and festival screenings:
Saalbau Galerie Neukölln, Berlin (Nov. 2017 – Jan 2018)
Kino Arsenal, Berlin (Nov. 2017)
Al Nahj Film Festival, Iraq (April 2018)
Cefalú Festival, Italy (May 2018)
The Berlin Film Days, Berlin (Aug. 2018)
Kurdish Film Festival, Berlin (Sept. 2018)
Digital Anthropologies #6, Paris (Nov. 2018)
Kino Pleme / Life Soundtrack, Belgrad (7. April 2021)
Festival Film Bahari 2021, Cirebon City, Indonesia (Aug. 2021)