Representations of Escape
A film in drawings and title cards
The film tells the story of an escape with drawings made after symbols used by aid organizations and communities to communicate their work with refugees.
Some of these icons are sophisticated, others seem biased or awkward. They attempt to be universal and understandable without words. At the same time they tell something about power structures.
Faroqhi redrew the icons in order to recapture a subjective note to their standardized language.
The film was produced on the occasion of an exhibition on the subject of escape, expulsion and arrival at the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in February 2016. The exhibition was initiated by Faroqhi & Peretz and involves refugees, students and artists.
Original title Darstellungen von Flucht Production Date 2016 Idea, Director Anna Faroqhi, Haim Peretz Drawings, Editor Anna Faroqhi Production Faroqhi Peretz Filmproduction, Berlin Format digital file, colour, stereo sound Length 3'30'' min. First Screening Feb. 2016, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Berlin